In this post, I am gonna show you how to write Mathematic symbols in markdown. since I am writing blog post that hosted by Github with Editor Atom, and use plugin markdown-preview-plus and mathjax-wrapper, and use mathjax Javascript display the math symbols on the web page.
- Jupyter Markdown Latex Equation
- Jupyter Markdown Latex Equation Number
- Markdown Latex Jupyter
- Jupyter Markdown Latex Table
- Jupyter Notebook Markdown
- Using Latex In R Markdown
- Latex In Jupyter Notebook
I am not gonna to tell you how to make all these things work together, if you want to do what I am do, please take a little time and search around.
Markdown and LaTeX can change your notebook from plain code to an interesting paper that people would love to read.Notebook Link: Jupyter Notebook is a great tool for data analysis. And one of its greatest features is that you can easily combine runnable code with rich-text annotations. Markdown cells that contain such annotations support both HTML and Markdown syntax. Conda install linux-ppc64le v1.4.6; osx-arm64 v1.4.6; linux-64 v1.4.6; win-32 v1.4.4; noarch v1.4.6; linux-aarch64 v1.4.6; osx-64 v1.4.6; win-64 v1.4.6; To install.
Most import, this post is showing you the basics about math symbols in Latex.
Jupyter Markdown Latex Equation
This what wikipedia said about Latex:
One of the greatest motivating forces for Donald Knuth when he began developing the original TeX system was to create something that allowed simple construction of mathematical formulas, while looking professional when printed.
Here are some symbols I typed during the learning.
Greek Letters
Symbol | Script |
$alpha$ | alpha |
$A$ | A |
$beta$ | beta |
$B$ | B |
$gamma$ | gammma |
$Gamma$ | Gamma |
$pi$ | pi |
$Pi$ | Pi |
$phi$ | phi |
$Phi$ | Phi |
$varphi$ | varphi |
$theta$ | theta |
Jupyter Markdown Latex Equation Number
Symbol | Script |
$cos$ | cos |
$sin$ | sin |
$lim$ | lim |
$exp$ | exp |
$to$ | to |
$infty$ | infty |
$equiv$ | equiv |
$bmod$ | bmod |
$times$ | times |
Power and Indices
Symbol | Script |
$k_{n+1}$ | k_{n+1} |
$n^2$ | n^2 |
$k_n^2$ | k_n^2 |
Fractions and Binomials
Symbol | Script |
$frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$ | frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} |
$binom{n}{k}$ | binom{n}{k} |
$frac{frac{x}{1}}{x - y}$ | frac{frac{x}{1}}{x - y} |
$^3/_7$ | ^3/_7 |
Markdown Latex Jupyter
Symbol | Script |
$sqrt{k}$ | sqrt{k} |
$sqrt[n]{k}$ | sqrt[n]{k} |
Jupyter Markdown Latex Table
Sums and Integrals
Symbol | Script |
$sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i$ | sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i |
$int_0^infty mathrm{e}^{-x},mathrm{d}x$ | int_0^infty mathrm{e}^{-x},mathrm{d}x |
$sum$ | sum |
$prod$ | prod |
$coprod$ | coprod |
$bigoplus$ | bigoplus |
$bigotimes$ | bigotimes |
$bigodot$ | bigodot |
$bigcup$ | bigcup |
$bigcap$ | bigcap |
$biguplus$ | biguplus |
$bigsqcup$ | bigsqcup |
$bigvee$ | bigvee |
$bigwedge$ | bigwedge |
$int$ | int |
$oint$ | oint |
$iint$ | iint |
$iiint$ | iiint |
$idotsint$ | idotsint |
$sum_{substack{0 | sum_{substack{0 |
$intlimits_a^b$ | intlimits_a^b |
Symbol | Script |
$a'$ $a^{prime}$ | a` a^{prime} |
$a''$ | a'' |
$hat{a}$ | hat{a} |
$bar{a}$ | bar{a} |
$grave{a}$ | grave{a} |
$acute{a}$ | acute{a} |
$dot{a} | dot{a} |
$ddot{a}$ | ddot{a} |
$not{a}$ | not{a} |
$mathring{a}$ | mathring{a} |
$overrightarrow{AB}$ | overrightarrow{AB} |
$overleftarrow{AB}$ | overleftarrow{AB} |
$a'''$ | a''' |
$overline{aaa}$ | overline{aaa} |
$check{a}$ | check{a} |
$vec{a}$ | vec{a} |
$underline{a}$ | underline{a} |
$color{red}x$ | color{red}x |
$pm$ | pm |
$mp$ | mp |
$int y mathrm{d}x$ | int y mathrm{d}x |
$,$ | , |
$:$ | : |
$;$ | ; |
$!$ | ! |
$int y, mathrm{d}x$ | int y, mathrm{d}x |
$dots$ | dots |
$ldots$ | ldots |
$cdots$ | cdots |
$vdots$ | vdots |
$ddots$ | ddots |
Brackets etc
Symbol | Script |
$(a)$ | (a) |
$[a]$ | [a] |
${a}$ | {a} |
$langle f rangle$ | langle f rangle |
$lfloor f rfloor$ | lfloor f rfloor |
$lceil f rceil$ | lceil f rceil |
$ulcorner f urcorner$ | ulcorner f urcorner |
Atom - Atom editor for hackers
markdown-preview-plus - preview your markdown in atom
mathjax-wrapper - display math symbols in atom
Jupyter Notebook Markdown
mathjax - Javascript lib for browsers
Using Latex In R Markdown
Latex - Latex Homepage
Wiki Latex Mathematics - introduction to math symbols in latex
Latex In Jupyter Notebook
Github tables - Github Flavored Markdown